London: EU Citizens‘ Gathering 2023

6 December 2023, London, United Kingdom


Pedro Serrano, European Union Ambassador
to the United Kingdom
Vision of EU citizens’ network in the future: New Europeans

Keynote speeches and panel discussion
How EU citizens in the UK and British citizens can shape future EU-UK relations

  • Nathalie Loiseau, Chair, European
    Parliament Delegation to the EU-UK
    Parliamentary Partnership Assembly
  • Lord Ricketts, Chair, House of Lords
    European Affairs Committee
  • Tsvetelina Penkova, Vice Chair, European
    Parliament Delegation to the EU-UK
    Parliamentary Partnership Assembly
  • Hilary Benn, MP

Get to know your table

Coffee break

EU citizens in the UK –now and the future
Messages to EU citizens

  • Maroš Šefčovič, Executive Vice-President,
    European Commission (video)
  • Giles Hall, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
  • Christian Gsodam, European External Action Service

Vision of EU citizens’ network in the future: Sikorski Polish Club

What we know today

  • Madeleine Sumption, Migration Observatory
  • Typhaine Morillon, European Parliament
    Liaison Office in the UK
  • Dahaba Ali Hussen, Journalist
  • Heather Rolfe, British Future


EU citizens in the UK – a call to action

  • Susanne Oberhauser, European Parliament Liaison Office in the UK
  • Bart Brosius, EU National Institutes
    for Culture
  • Ola Sobieraj, The Common
    Ground Project

Vision of EU citizens’ network in the future: Migrant Democracy Project

Lunch & networking


1.) EU citizens in the UK: challenges and
opportunities and the role
of advocacy
2.) Mobilising EU citizens in 2024
3.) National and Europe Days 2024
4.) EU citizens’ awards 2024

Workshop feedback
Vision of EU citizens’ network in the future: Black Europeans


Panel discussion
The role of EU citizens in British society and shaping the future of the EU

  • Stella Creasy, MP
  • Wera Hobhouse, MP
  • MP from the Conservative Party (tbc)
  • Cillian Lohan, European Economic and Social

Quiz awards and closing remarks
Nicole Mannion, European Union Deputy Ambassador to the United Kingdom

Group photo & networking tea




