Cambridge: The Rule of Law and Democracy

18 April 2024, Cambridge, United Kingdom


Dr Gemma Burgess, Vice-Master of St Edmund’s College
Dr Christian Gsodam, European External Action Service, Strategic Communication
Professor John Loughlin, Emeritus Fellow, St Edmund’s College

Greetings from Lord David Lloyd-Jones, Justice of the UK Supreme Court Martin Hojsík, Vice-President of the European Parliament (Video message)

Session 1: What do we mean by the rule of law and what is its connection with democracy?
Chair: Professor Paolo G. Carozza, University of Notre-Dame and Von Hügel Institute
Speaker: Professor Sébastien Platon, University of Bordeaux

Respondents: Professor Ralf Wuestenberg, European Wasatia Graduate School of Peace and Conflict Reconcilation, Europa-Universität Flensburg Mathieu Mori, Secretary General of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Dr Louise Fromont, Haute École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris

Session 2: The rule of law and democracy in different European state and intellectual traditions
Chair: Dr Christian Gsodam
Speaker: Professor Stefaan van der Jeught, Court of Justice of the European Union and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, VUB

Respondents: Dr Roila Mavrouli, Haute École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris
Professor John McEldowney, Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Warwick.
Dr Matthew Psycharis, College Lecturer in Law, St Edmund’s College

Lunch in the Garden Room

Session 3: European Union responses to challenges to the rule of law in European Member States and in Third countries
Chair: Professor John Loughlin
Speaker: Professor Ramona Coman, ULB, Director of Horizon Research Programme on Dissent in Europe

Respondents : Julien Mousnier, Director of Rule of Law, Fundamental Rights and Democracy at Directorate-General for Justice & Consumers, European Commission
Dr Sara Silvestri, City University London and St Edmund’s
Dr Zaina Barakat, European Wasatia Graduate School of Peace and Conflict Reconciliation, Europa-Universität Flensburg

Session 4: Brexit: what are the lessons with regard to crises of the rule of law and democracy in the UK and the EU?
Chair: Dr Matthew Psycharis Speaker: Professor Richard Ekins KC (Hon), St John’s College, Oxford

Respondents: François Decoster, Mayor of Saint Omer, France, Member of the European Committee of the Regions
Professor Catherine Barnard, University of Cambridge
Professor Sir Vernon Bogdanor FBA, King’s College, London

Concluding remarks and Final plenary
Professor Sir Vernon Bogdanor FBA

Drinks reception in the Senior Combination Room






