Slovenj Gradec: Closing European gaps – What future for local cross-border infrastructure?

6 December 2024, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia


Tilen Klugler, Mayor of Slovenj Gradec
Wolfgang Gallant, Mayor of Lavamünd
Christian Gsodam, European External Action Service, Founder of European Future Talks

Videomessage (V) and Statements
Sophia Kircher, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Transport and Tourism (V)
Andrej Rajh, Secretary of State, Ministry for Infrastructure, Slovenia
Christian Buchmann, Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the Bundesrat of Austria
Franc Breznik, Chairman of the Foreign and European Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Slovenia
Daniel Fellner, Member of Government of Carinthia, Austria

Panel Discussions
Moderator: Marjan Sturm, Europe House Klagenfurt

Panel I: What hinders us at European and national level to close short cross-border infrastructure gaps?

Franc Breznik, MP, Slovenia
Christian Buchmann, MP, Austria
Andrej Rajh, STS, Slovenia
Marcel de la Haye, Technical Director of the Community of European Railways and Infrastructure Companies
Thomas Spiegel, Head of Department Infrastructure Planning, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria

Which concrete steps do we need to reach our goal of a well-connected SI-AT cross-border region?

Martin Guillermo Ramirez, SG Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)
Monika Pintar Mesaric, Director-General for Railways, Cableways/Traffic Management, Ministry of Infrastructure, Slovenia
Diane Tiefenbacher, Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Head of the Wolfsberg Office
Tomaž Rožen, Mayor of Ravne na Koroškem, European Committee of the Regions
Daniel Fellner, Member of Government of Carinthia, Austria

Video Message Andrej Rajh, Secretary of State, Ministry for Infrastructure, Slovenia

Video Message Sophia Kircher MEP





